- the salmon dance [the chemical brothers feat. fatlip]
- i got this down [simian mobile disco]
- lean like a cholo [moirée moving mix] [down aka kilo]
- get this party started [powerbasse]
- grace kelly [bimbo jones mix] [mika]
- slipping away [crier la vie, mhc extended mix] [moby feat. mylène farmer]
- don't go [bailey and rossko mix] [yazoo]
- running up that hill [vocal club] [prax paris]
- make your own kind of music [mathieu bouthier]
- lucky [hot stuff long mix] [lucky twice]
- nothing in this world [dave aude club mix] [paris hilton]
- read my mind [pet shop boys stars are blazing mix] [the killers]
- umbrella [rafael lelis club mix] [rihanna]
- it's a fine day [rafael lilis private mix] [opus iii]
- show stopper [dave aude club mix] [danity kane]
- like a boy [mysto and pizzi dance mix] [ciara]
- the way i are [timbaland feat. keri hilson & d.o.e.]

- stronger [kanye west feat. daft punk]
- holdon [apparat feat. raz ohara]
- party trix [miss odd kid]
- self control [infernal]
- kelly [alan braxe & fred falke mix] [van she]
- another place [blasto! mix] [prom feat. i-fan]
- jazz in your face [erick morillo]
- i've got a life [david guetta & joachim garraud mix] [eurythmics]
- love is gone [fred rister & joachim garraud mix] [david guetta]
- my grabbing hands [notorious mot mix] [ballroom]
- if you give me [john dahlback]
- pump it up [the roof's burner electro mix] [danzel]
- dear diary [evolved mix] [michael m.]
- u and ur hand [12" mix] [pink]
- hurt [jonathan peters mix] [christina aguilera]
- sunchyme [ramiro nestor mix] [ramiro nestor]
- sun is shining [dirty south mix] [bob marley]